SQLite type safety

I love SQLite but one of my biggest gripes with it is the dynamic type system that it uses. To play devil’s advocate and for the curious, here is SQLite’s article on the advantages. I have a personal cheat sheet of ways to make SQLite feel less flexible and have decided to write it up and share it. The biggest reason for this by far is that as of version 3.37.0 (2021-11-27) there are STRICT tables which handle a lot of this more easily and I think it’s now easy enough to do without much extra effort.

A good bit of this will just be summarizing this documentation on datatypes that SQLite has published but I will also be adding some tricks to be more rigid. SQLite has incredible documentation and I highly recommend reading it if you are curious about how SQL works in general. This article will not assume you have read that document on datatypes but will assume that you will open it if you are confused. I do not want to rehash their documentation here!

If you do not have SQLite installed then I suggest using SQLiteStudio which is a great graphical tool for working with SQLite. It is super focused on SQLite which does not provide any networking capabilities so the tool is super easy to set up.

Storage classes (“types”)

These are the closest things you will get to types. They deal with how data is stored on disk but that’s not relevant here.

  1. NULL: It is a null value. Nothing special.
  2. INTEGER: Signed integers like 0, 1, 2, 3, -1, -2, -3, and so on.
  3. REAL: Floating point values, sort of like decimals.
  4. TEXT: Textual strings. Like 'Hello, World!'.
  5. BLOB: Raw binary data. It can be anything. It has no special conversions.

Column affinity (column “type”)

SQL has datatypes like VARCHAR, INT, and many others. When SQLite sees them in table definitions it converts them to one of five “affinities”. The specific rules for determining are here for the curious. In my opinion you should only use these five types directly and not rely on implicit conversions in your DDL statements. The affinities are TEXT, NUMERIC, INTEGER, REAL, and BLOB. (Also ANY is sort of an affinity but only with STRICT tables which will be explained later.)

SQLite will try to convert data into the column’s affinity. If it cannot then it will leave it as is. That was a big factor in me looking for ways to fix this. Without using STRICT tables you can end up with things like 'a' in INTEGER columns.

CREATE TABLE example1 (
    num INTEGER
INSERT INTO example1 (num) VALUES (1);
INSERT INTO example1 (num) VALUES ('a');
SELECT * FROM example1;

The results will be this. This is not what you would expect. Well, you probably did because I told you it would happen. This is the sort of thing I want to avoid.


I am being a little unfair here and showing you the bad aspects without showing you the good. It does coerce types into other types when it is able to do so losslessly. So the string '2' gets converted into the integer 2 when the column’s affinity is INTEGER because it can do so losslessly.

INSERT INTO example1 (num) VALUES ('2');
INSERT INTO example1 (num) VALUES ('3.0');
INSERT INTO example1 (num) VALUES ('4.1');
SELECT num, typeof(num) FROM example1;
num typeof(num)
1 integer
a text
2 integer
3 integer
4.1 real

Conversion rules

All of the column affinities use the NULL and BLOB storage classes for NULL and BLOB values. Those are always stored as-is. All of the attempted conversions below are for the other types. (NULL cannot go into columns with the NON NULL constraint as normal.)

  1. TEXT: Converts INTEGER and REAL types to TEXT.
  2. NUMERIC: There’s a lot of nuance but basically it tries to store things as INTEGER first, then if unable to do so it tries REAL. Otherwise it stores as-is.
  3. INTEGER: Confusingly, columns with this affinity behave the same as NUMERIC and only behave differently when used in CAST expressions.
  4. REAL: Same as NUMERIC but converts INTEGERS into REAL.
  5. BLOB: Stores everything as is.

STRICT tables

Every column must have a datatype in STRICT tables. The datatypes you can specify are INT, INTEGER, REAL, TEXT, BLOB, and ANY. INT and INTEGER both become the INTEGER affinity.

Apart from the ANY datatype, the type of the value must be able to be losslessly converted into the specified column’s type or else an error is raised. This is how most other SQL implementations work out of the box. ANY just stores all types as they are in the table, much like BLOB in non-STRICT tables. This allows you to have some flexibly typed columns if you want on otherwise STRICT tables.

CREATE TABLE example2 (
    num INTEGER
) STRICT; -- This is how to make the table STRICT
INSERT INTO example2 (num) VALUES (1);
INSERT INTO example2 (num) VALUES ('a'); -- Errors
SELECT * FROM example2;
INSERT INTO example2 (num) VALUES ('2');
INSERT INTO example2 (num) VALUES ('3.0');
INSERT INTO example2 (num) VALUES ('4.1'); -- Errors
SELECT num, typeof(num) FROM example2;
num typeof(num)
1 integer
2 integer
3 integer

ANY in non-STRICT tables behaves as NUMERIC. See the previously mentioned affinity determiniation rules for why. Because of that I would suggest only using it in STRICT tables because that’s the only place it has special meaning.

Other types, SQLite’s “secret menu”

You may have seen or heard about people doing things like ordering items off of the “secret menu” at places. These are things the kitchen is capable of making but the store does not directly advertise. SQLite has a few of these lurking under the hood. My criteria for these are things that it already has some support for like booleans and various date/time formats but does not have types for.

This will be done using CHECK constraints. There are a few different ways to write them. SQLite actually reports the name of the CHECK constraint violations (unlike FOREIGN KEY constraint violations) so I think naming them is worthwhile. I do not have a good recommendation or strong opinion on how to name them, but I think something is better than nothing. In the examples I may leave them unnamed though.

    a INTEGER CHECK (a > 0), -- Unnamed in-line
    b INTEGER CONSTRAINT b_must_be_positive CHECK (b > 0), -- Named in-line
    c INTEGER,
    d INTEGER,
    CHECK (c > 0), -- Unnamed, not in-line
    CONSTRAINT d_must_be_positive CHECK (d > 0) -- Named, not in-line

You may notice IS used a lot in the CHECK clauses. This is because NULL does not equal NULL. NULL = NULL is false. Well, actually NULL = NULL is NULL! The point is that if you do not use IS and use = instead then you will not properly handle NULLs. If you want to reject them just use NOT NULL like normal. (foo INTEGER NOT NULL CHECK (...))


First, SQLite treats TRUE as the literal 1 and FALSE as the literal 0. Knowing that helps make the rest make more sense.

CREATE TABLE example3 (
    value INTEGER CONSTRAINT value_is_boolean CHECK (value IN (TRUE, FALSE))
INSERT INTO example3 (value) VALUES (1);
INSERT INTO example3 (value) VALUES (0);
INSERT INTO example3 (value) VALUES (TRUE);
INSERT INTO example3 (value) VALUES (FALSE);
INSERT INTO example3 (value) VALUES (NULL);
SELECT * FROM example3;
INSERT INTO example3 (value) VALUES (2);
-- Last one shows the error messages,
-- CHECK constraint failed: value_is_boolean

Dates and times

There are a handful of date and time formats that SQLite can work with. You can read about specifics here if you are curious how these formats and functions work. There is some nuance there I am not going to cover here.

The goal is to accomplish a modest type checking using CHECK constraints like we did in the above examples. The way this is done is by taking a value and attempting to convert it into the desired format and then seeing if they match.

Some quick points about the date and time functions:

  • All except for strftime() begin with the time-value and are followed by modifiers.
  • strftime() is the same as those but has a format in front of time-value.
  • The time-value is either a string representing various ISO 8601 formats (see below), a numeric value representing a Julian day number (see below), a numeric value representing a Unix timestamp (if it is followed by an 'auto' or 'unixepoch' modifier, still see below), or finally a string 'now' which means right now.
  • They output format matching the name of the function or in the case of strftime() matching the format.
  • The ISO 8601 formats use UTC time by default but offsets can be provided.

Julian days

I have never used this format personally but it may be useful for you. It is the number of days (and fractional days) since noon in Greenwich on November 24th, 4714 BCE. It is represented by REAL values. Do not confuse this with the Julian dates that accountants sometimes use which is the number of days since the start of the year. The Unix epoch (midnight on January 1st, 1970 at UTC) is 2440587.5 in this format. The .5 on the end makes sense because it is at midnight and measures from noon.

CREATE TABLE example4 (
    stamp REAL CONSTRAINT stamp_is_julian CHECK (stamp IS julianday(stamp))
); -- This table is not strict to demo that the check can prevent other formats
INSERT INTO example4 (stamp) VALUES (2440587.5);
INSERT INTO example4 (stamp) VALUES ('1970-01-01'); -- Violates the constraint
INSERT INTO example4 (stamp) VALUES (NULL);
SELECT stamp, datetime(stamp) FROM example4;
stamp datetime(stamp)
2440587.5 1970-01-01 00:00:00

ISO 8601

There are a variety of ISO 8601 formats SQLite can work with. I will present four. The final is the trickiest so the example will use it. The first three work the same as the Julian example.

  1. YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS with datetime().
  2. YYYY-MM-DD with date().
  3. HH:MM:SS with time().
  4. YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.sss with strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%f', ...). You can use any format that works with strftime() this way.
CREATE TABLE example5 (
    stamp TEXT CHECK (stamp IS strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%f', stamp))
INSERT INTO example5 (stamp) VALUES (NULL);
INSERT INTO example5 (stamp) VALUES ('1970-01-01 00:00:00'); -- Violates the constraint
INSERT INTO example5 (stamp) VALUES ('1970-01-01 00:00:00.000');
SELECT * FROM example5;
1970-01-01 00:00:00.000

Unix time

Unix timestamps are the number of seconds since midnight on January 1st, 1970 at UTC represented by an INTEGER. Confusingly, when a numeric value is passed to the date and time functions SQLite will treat it as a Julian day by default. To correct this use the 'unixepoch' modifier immediately following the time-value. Also confusingly, this is the case when using the unixepoch() function. It makes sense when you think about it but it looks odd at first.

CREATE TABLE example6 (
    stamp INTEGER CHECK (stamp IS unixepoch(stamp, 'unixepoch'))
INSERT INTO example6 (stamp) VALUES (NULL);
INSERT INTO example6 (stamp) VALUES ('1970-01-01 00:00:00'); -- Violates the constraint
INSERT INTO example6 (stamp) VALUES (0);
SELECT stamp, datetime(stamp), datetime(stamp, 'unixepoch') FROM example6;

This demonstrates why using Unix timestamps is doable but slightly trickier. If you forget the modifier you get incorrect values.

stamp datetime(stamp) datetime(stamp, ‘unixepoch’)
0 -4713-11-24 12:00:00 1970-01-01 00:00:00


By now you should be an expert if you have read everything so I will keep this example super short. You can use IN (...) to make enum types!

CREATE TABLE example7 (
    direction TEXT CHECK (direction IN ('LEFT', 'RIGHT'))
INSERT INTO example7 (direction) VALUES ('UP'); -- Violates the constraint
INSERT INTO example7 (direction) VALUES (NULL); -- Is okay

Closing thoughts

I hope this helps folks using SQLite and encourages people on the fence about it due to the lack of a rich, static type system to give it a shot in personal projects!